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Meet the Artists
Earth Gems Studio
Kathy Baker
448 Sportsmen St. SW
After retiring from a career with the National Park Service, Kathy and her husband, Tom, headed to the West Coast of Washington to find a new home.
Born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Kathy has always enjoyed creating works of art from materials found in nature. Some examples of her work include white birch baskets, driftwood nativities, greeting cards and tags, nature-inspired jewelry, tree ornaments made from the family Christmas Trees, and her latest passion - Sea Sprites. These unique sprites are created using local, hand-gathered sea kelp and beach driftwood. Each sprite has been named after a mythological sea creature and crafted with a personality all he own!
Since moving to Ocean Shores in 2019, she has enjoyed selling her work at the AAOS Arts and Crafts Festival and the Winter Fanta-Sea Holiday Show. Kathy's sprites were also part of the Coastal Interpretive Center's Winter Art Competition. Kathy will be offering her Sea Sprites and White Birch Bark Basketry at the 2023 Winter Fanta-Sea Holiday Show.

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